Flowers to 1 inch long are pea-shaped and bloom from July to frost. Flowers: Flower Color: Gold/Yellow Flower Inflorescence: Raceme Flower Value To Gardener: Fragrant Showy Flower Bloom Time: Fall Summer Flower Shape: Radial Flower Size: Fruit: Fruit Color: Black Fruit Value To Gardener: Showy Display/Harvest Time: Winter Fruit Type: Legume Fruit Length: 1-3 inches Fruit Description: Flowers are followed by flat seed pods (each to 3 inches long).
Cultural Conditions: Light: Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day) Soil Texture: Clay High Organic Matter Loam (Silt) Shallow Rocky Soil Drainage: Moist Occasionally Dry NC Region: Coastal USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b.Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Shrub Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Deciduous Habit/Form: Broad Erect Multi-stemmed Rounded Growth Rate: Rapid Maintenance: High Medium.Particularly Resistant To (Insects/Diseases/Other Problems): drought and salt tolerant Dimensions: Height: 5 ft. Life Cycle: Perennial Recommended Propagation Strategy: Seed Country Or Region Of Origin: Southwestern Europe, Mediterranean, and the Azores.
Should be used with caution since large doses are likely to upset the stomach and cause purging.
Attributes: Genus: Spartium Species: junceum Family: Fabaceae Uses (Ethnobotany): Has been used as a potent diuretic. Tags: #showy flowers #deciduous #drought tolerant #shrub #high maintenance #erosion control #aggressive #flowering shrub #perennial See this plant in the following landscape: Cultivars / Varieties: It is aggressive due to self-seeding and has been known to escape gardens and naturalize. Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: No known insect or disease problems. In late summer, seed pods mature and burst open, often with an audible crack, spreading seed from the parent plant. When the leaves fall away In late spring, summer shoots are covered in profuse fragrant yellow pea-like flowers. It is primarily grown for its bright yellow flowers and cylindrical green stems with flowers appearing in showy racemes. Spanish Broom is typically found in dry areas, open woodlands, disturbed sites, and along roads in the Mediterranean area. It has good drought tolerance as well as a tolerance for seaside exposure and can grow in poor rocky soils where it has been applied as a riverbank cover. Often grown as an ornamental because of its flowers, it is winter hardy and can be grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Spanish Broom, is a deciduous, flowering, perennial, shrub, multi-stemmed and sparsely-leaved, growing to 10 feet in height and width. Please note that the “Buy it now” button skips this step and you won’t be able to add your message.Phonetic Spelling SPAR-tee-um JUN-kee-um Description Then if you wish to add a personalised message, there is a message box on the cart page. Simply select the preferred gift wrap packaging option above, then add product to Cart. Your gift will of course also include full growing instructions. We will also enclose a card – suitable for the occasion - with your own personal message. You can choose from 3 different colours: cherry red, pine green or antique gold, including a matching ribbon. Sand, Loam, Chalk / Alkaline, Acidic, Neutral / Well-drainedĪdd that personal touch with our bespoke gift wrapping service and choose from one of our luxurious but also natural looking wrapping papers. We have excellent quality, 3-5cm tall seedlings on offer. It is hardy to -10C but even if bitten by the frost, the base of the stems grow back. The Spanish Broom has got a Mediterranean aesthetic, looking best against a brick wall. It can be grown on any soil but heavy clay. The flowers can reach up to approximately 1inch long and the stalks can be 14-16 inches long. The flowers are fragrant and pea-shaped, growing in clusters at the end of the branch ends. The leaves are the same bright green colour as the stems. The stems branch off at the top, ending with bright yellow flowering clusters on leafless racemes. The erect, bright green stems are rounded (rush-like) and mainly leafless (leaves are small, short-lived). Spartium junceum is native to the Mediterranean region and Canary Islands, it is an exotic looking evergreen shrub that can reach 6-10ft tall.