Her teammate Fire Lad has his locks on fire. Legion of Super-Heroes' member Comet Queen has a long trail of flames instead of hair.The Leper from Krypton: The whole Flammbronian alien race have flaming heads.Superman storyline Crucible has villainess Rendll, whose hair permanently burns with bright pink flames.Supergirl's friend Thara Ak-Var, alias "Flamebird", sprouts a head of flame when her divine power manifests.Among the New Gods, the hair of Takion of the Source is a single golden flame.Green Lantern: Xrill-Vrex often looks like she's got a wispy gaseous flame in place of hair when she's not keyed fully into someone specific, but with her empathy tamped down she's bald in her default form.The villain Fuego from the pages of the Robin (1993) has a firey mohawk in place of any proper hair, and she is evidently bald when her powers are nullified.Waverider from Armageddon 2001, who also shows up in Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!.An obscure Aquaman foe, Karla Fire-Hair, had this as her power, which conveniently worked underwater.Starfire from Teen Titans is occasionally drawn with her hair dissolving into fire.Her DC Animated Universe counterpart had hair of green fire when powered on. Justice League of America member Fire has hair ON green fire.As the name would imply, the Burning X-Drive has an effect where their hair seems like it's on fire. In the final two episodes of Symphogear XV, the girls unlock the Burning X-Drive, a Super Mode to the Super Mode that is the X-Drive.Cannon Busters: Sam's hair bursts into flames when their powers are awakened during the final battle.In Doki Doki! PreCure, Ace has red hair made out of fire.He can create a flaming beard to look intimidating, but he does have regular facial hair behind it. My Hero Academia: Endeavor, Shoto Todoroki's father, subverts this.His colleague Rain sports what can be called "Watering" Hair. In the movie, he gets serious enough to do interstellar travel on foot, and so he gets the Godiva Hair effect with his flaming pubic hair. He isn't the only one who can do this, but he's the only one whose Battle Aura focus is on his (former) hair. His Spiral Power's Battle Aura is red, and he's got such tremendous amounts of it that the Flaming Hair effect appears whenever he gets serious. Lordgenome, who is normally bald and goatee'd, sprouts a fine head of flame during his fight with Simon in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.The same applies to Mathilde Saint-Omer, the previous Flame-Haired Blazing-Eyed Hunter. In Shakugan no Shana, Shana's hair, while normal in shape, is colored like a blazing flame with ember-like sparks flying off.

While everyone gets giant hair when they transform, none of the others get anything quite as cool. Akari's Magical Girl form in Day Break Illusion.In Fairy Tail, Flare Corona fights with Prehensile Hair, and she can set it on fire for extra damage.Dix-Nieuf, after consuming the degeneration engine, manifests the flames through his cloak. Similar effect is constantly in effect for Buster Machine #7 in active form. In DieBuster, physics-breaking Exotic Manuever normally manifests as bright blue light from the forehead, but when Lal'C gets really, teleport-a-gas-giant's-core-and-smash-it-into-your-face level serious it goes beyond that and her hair turns into a blue-white flames.